Mean Value Theorem

Definition: Mean Value Theorem (MVT)

If the function f ( x ) is continuous on the closed interval [ a , b ] and differentiable on the open interval ( a , b ), then there is a number c such that a < c < b and f ( c ) = f ( b ) f ( a ) b a .

Everyday Language:

Essentially what the Mean Value Theorem is saying is if you have an equation, f ( x ) , that is continuous (you can’t lift your pencil) and differentiable (there is a derivative value everywhere), then you are guaranteed this cool thing happens.

The cool thing that happens is that you are guaranteed that you can find an x-value , c , that is inside your x-interval , ( a , b ), so that the slope between those two x-interval endpoints, [ a , b ], f ( b ) f ( a ) b a = average  rate of change ,  will be equal to the slope of the tangent line at that x-value , c , f ( c ) = slope  of  tangen t  line .

f ( c ) = f ( b ) f ( a ) b a

slope  of  tangent line = average  rate of change

In the example graph above you can see that there are actually two c-values , x-values , in the interval ( a , b ), such that the slope at those points would be equal to the slope between the two endpoints. The MVT only guarantees you one x-value , but you could absolutely have multiple x-values that make the statement true.

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