Compute the derivative:
Step 1: Ensure that the lower bound of your antiderivative is a constant, a , and the upper bound is an equation, x .
Here the bounds are not in the proper order. You will need to “pull a negative” to flip the order of the bounds. |
Step 2: Take the derivative of your antiderivative. At this point you essentially cancel out the antiderivative and plug your upper bound equation , x , into the equation that was inside the antiderivative, .
Here you would replace all the t ’s in your equation with sin(x) ’s, the upper bound equation. |
Step 3 (only if your equation is more than just an x ): If the upper bound is more than just a basic x , then you will need to multiply the equation you created in Step 2 , , by the derivative of the upper bound.
Final Result: The derivative of the equation would be . |