The Two Main Antiderivative Rules
Special Case Antiderivatives (The ones you have to memorize)
Initial Value Problems: Finding the +C
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Part 1

Always Step 1: Simplify and Look for Algebraic Rewrites.

Just like with derivatives, before you go rushing in to start taking any antiderivative, you need to first pause and look to simplify the equation. This usually means you need to look out for some standard algebraic rewrites.

Please remember that none of these rewrites are actually finding an antiderivative, they are just algebraic rewrites that get you ready to find the antiderivative.

These rewrites are the exact same rewrites you wanted to look out for when you were finding derivatives. There is just one additional rewrite that you need to watch out for with antiderivatives, the Flipping the Bounds rewrite.

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